"I will bet on the resurrection of the loser!" Young male protagonist Himori Ichi (Himori Hajime), a promising stock, has once again stood up! In the previous work, I declared a complete resurrection after passing through the time of melancholy from the pain that lost to Shinji Yano, and ran into this battle! What is Himori's secret policy? According to him, “The Law of Mirror Neurons” is the key to this strategy. The mirror neurons are like a quirk of chimps, even if you know what they mean, but for the time being, they seem to be spiritual worries about hijo who "rely on others and pre-read their psychology and behavior. " The opponent of this battle is Yui Sama Hatano. Indeed, even if you have a Dekamara Shinji Kun, Yano Kun himself was silent saying "This is a strong enemy ..." because the opponent is Sama Hatano. Anyway, even though this series is overwhelmingly popular with all women and girls, there is no doubt that this latest work is also a must-see work. Sama Hatano also knew (on the day of the battle) that IKASE waza was an opponent who trembled with the warriors without thinking, all of our staff did not miss. Anyway, the revenge match of Himori Kun will finally open! Why don't you, too, take a close look at the ringside and watch over it? look at everything.
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